Archive for August, 2014

 human trafficking2Labor Trafficking in Agriculture

labor traf2

These people are being held in captivity, in some cases in chains… A couple of workers literally forcibly busted out of a truck in which they were held against their will.  So, the norm there is a disaster, and the extreme is slavery.  And this is taking place in the United States of America.

– Senator Bernie Sanders

Are you or someone you know being trafficked? Is human trafficking happening in your community? Is the situation you may have encountered actually human trafficking?   labor traf

The following is a list of potential red flags and indicators of human trafficking to help you recognize the signs.


chickenHow simple does it get?  If you follow any of my Gluten Free recipes you will find that I do not get into the complicated ones but the ones I can throw together.  I also work with a group that receives some government support with food.  It is so important that we do what we can to help each other.  

This was kind of thrown together and was a really big hit. Chicken breast strips grilled in butter with Mrs Dash, Asian seasoning & a little fresh cilantro. Then right before I served it I grated up what little sharp cheese I had and stirred. It coated the chicken. It was GREAT (they said). Fresh tomatoes & black olives.