Posts Tagged ‘bible’





When you feel like you are drowning, don’t worry. Your Lifeguard walks on water!  (Matthew 14)

I Cried. Going to a country where she can not carry her Bible but she is going there to share Jesus.  We have so many freedoms in America that we take for granted.

Psalms 119:11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.


This morning I grabbed my coffee and began diving into 2 Peter.  Oh, I LOVE the written Word of God.  It is living!  It pierces my heart with it’s truth.   Verses 3-11 especially grabbed my attention.  I had to ask myself if I am growing in these areas because if I’m not, then in essence, what I am saying is “I am very shortsighted.  (more…)