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Since we are new at this and we couldn’t figure out a way to add our email address to the blog, leave a comment.

  1. charl1010 says:

    The blog post is nice and enlightning.

  2. james says:

    web sight friends of the third world

  3. Ruth Jackel says:

    Hi from Australia…My name is Ruth…I’m originally from Minnesota. My family immigrated to Australia in 1966 and we ended up in outback Australia mining opals. My father was from Lutheran persuasion but as he read his Bible more found that there were discrepancies with what the church taught and what the Bible actually said.
    I now live in the state of Victoria in Australia on an 80 acre farm. I am married to an Australian man and we have 5 children 4 girls and I boy. We have been married for 26 years.
    We have cattle, chickens, and 2 dogs and a cat….and love the rural life.
    I just wanted to tell you what a blessing your blog has been…I stumbled across it after watching a TV show on David and Miriam Lapp and their Amish life in Pennsylvania…what a lovely family. I googled their names and it came up with a whole bunch of Amish contacts.
    I’m not sure whether their are Amish people here in Australia.
    Thank you again for all the interesting things you have on your blog and keep it up…it’s a great way to witness as well about the Lord Jesus.
    Blessings to you from across the seas,
    With Christian love,

    • What a sweet and wonderful comment! The blog started out as kind of an outlet for my sister and I. She was leaving the country for a middle eastern country and we just wanted a way to stay in contact. It is a little this and a little that! My sister lived many years with the Amish in Pennsylvania. She had such lovely things from them but gave up almost everything to go to another country to be a missionary. Thank you so much for your encouragement! You were such a blessing!

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