Archive for May, 2015

  As Christians, we were not intended to live in agreement with the way the world views right and wrong. I have a renewed desire to be a known as someone of peace in a violent world. Someone of forgiveness in a society full of hate and anger. I pray that God’s people will take a stand, together as a community, to loudly declare the Gospel that Christ gave His Life for us to have. What has happened to many who claim to have been set apart for the gospel of Christ?

As Christians, death no longer has a hold of fear for us because we know that death is not our final destination. Everyday we learn anew how to trust God for our every need because He already knows all of our needs even before we ask. We should have no desire to be defined by our looks, our wealth, our belongings, or our importance in society but to be known as a follower of Christ.  A follower of the One who gave all He had …for us. Oh what peace in knowing that He will never take His love away from us. Nothing that we will face in this world can take away the inheritance we have in Christ.

God did not send His Son to make us more religious but to teach us how to pattern our life after Jesus. Jesus allowed himself to be subjected to all the darkness, evil, and violence of this world… and yet He triumphed over it.  God loves us so much and He will give us victory over all the tragedies and sufferings we have to endure.  He has given us eternal life that death cannot shake and Living Water that will always satisfy our thirst. He is our Bread of Life and only He can fill our hunger.

We must take a stand and be a voice for those who can not speak or an advocate for those who have been abandoned and ignored by society. We must take a stand for those who battle with depression, anxiety, and all mental illnesses to help with their feelings of being broken. 

We no longer search to find help for the poor, the widow, the orphan, or the mentally ill.  We seek the approval of the affluent and the powerful.  Something is wrong. So very wrong.

Why are we allowing the Gospel of Christ to become so watered down?  We make an appearance to church on Sunday and we believe that will take care of the idols we have been living by and with during the week. We want to quote stirring and uplifting quotes we have heard yet we never pick up the Word He left for us.

Why don’t we look like him? Why aren’t we known by our love, our self-sacrificing life, our compassion? When we are as fearful of tomorrow and materialistic as everyone else, when His love no longer permeates our lives and hearts, something is wrong. God will not be a counterfeit God.

Do we believe God is impressed with us because we did attend church and we always make charitable contributions by giving to the poor at Christmas time. We are meant to be strangers in this land but instead too many of us are becoming willing participants in it. We find it more appealing to follow the world’s rules than to live the life of complete surrender. Our treasures are not to be laid up in this land where we don’t belong but in heaven where we will live for eternity.

We are getting a strong sense of security…where we don’t belong.